Saturday, May 14, 2016

Thanks for reading about the adventures in traveling with our children. I look forward to chronicling the unique experiences of our children, BionicBoy (age 8) and Babycita (age 4). Our first adventure takes us to Spain this summer, where we hope to turn our Spanglish-speaking children into Spanish-speaking children, one park date at a time.

When Babycita was 6 months old we had the opportunity to dedicate her in our church and write a letter that we read to her in front of our congregation. In it we listed our hopes and dreams for her future. I quote some of it here:

"We hope that you strive to be a good steward to this earth, and to seek peace in all you do. We hope that you become an independent, strong, confident, kind-hearted young woman. We will do our best to encourage you to become multi-lingual and hope that you wish to travel the earth, learn of other peoples and cultures and develop global perspective."

She is almost five, and I am now ready to make my dreams for her (and my son) a reality.

The name for this blog was inspired by the Allman Brothers Band, with whom I connected while studying abroad in Germany in 2000. Travel has been an important part of my life since I was young, and also one of the main ways that I connected with my my husband over 10 years ago. I am, of course, not a ramblin' man. We hope, however, to be a ramblin' fam.

A Ramblin' Fam

Lord, we were born a ramblin' fam,

Tryin' to make a livin' and doin' the best we can.

And when it's time for leavin',

We hope you'll understand,

That we were born a ramblin' fam.

© love and credit to the Allman Brothers...